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Veculim is freezing on the workstation

Close off Veculim, pause the Anti-Virus and test to see if Veculim stops freezing. 

If pausing the anti-virus on the workstation does not work, then pause the Anti-Virus on the server, and see if it stops Veculim from freezing on the workstation. 

If pausing the Anti-Virus made no difference, then disable the firewall on the server and test Veculim on the workstation. 

If disabling the firewall on the server does not work, then disable the firewall on the workstation, and test Veculim again.

NB! If it stops freezing in any of the above circumstances, advise the client to get their IT guy to set exclusions.


Updated by Zanite Seymour on 22 OCT 2021
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