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Sage One does not update

If an illegal update is posted to SageOne, Veculim will immediately offer to pause the integration so as not to repeatedly bombard the SageOne server with an invalid request. The SageOne server only accepts a certain number of transactions per minute. When it exceeds that, it temporarily disables the transactions from the IP address that is posting those requests, and returns an error 500 (Internal Server Error). Veculim will then pause transactions, and attempt to resume in a few minutes. If it resumes OK, then it will post all transactions that need to be uploaded.

First thing to check is if the Login details were changed on Sage but not on Veculim. If that is the case, then no entries will be exported to Sage. Go to the Setup Menu and go to 01 Financial Defaults to re-enter the correct SageLogin details.

Next thing is to find out what the problem is. First go to Accounting Exports (in the Exports menu) and click the show log file button. The show log file will show a history of all the failed transactions with the most recent at the top. For details of the most recent failure, you can see the Last Sent details and the Last Response details (that the SageOne server sent back with the failed Last Sent transaction). Use the Last Response to identify the problem. In the top line of the Request, you will see the transaction type. This will typically be UpdateSomething. If is Customer, then check what the response error was.

If a record was deleted off SageOne, and not Veculim, then Veculim will still have a SageOne ID associated with that record. In the case of Debtors, Suppliers, SupplierCategories, DebtorCategories and GL Accounts, Veculim will assign the internal SageOne ID to 0. You can then either block the record on Veculim (thereby disabling it from export), or it will then be re-exported to SageOne. This can be annoying for the accountant who tries to delete records from SageOne, which then keep re-appearing, so the answer is to then delete (or block) the records on Veculim and then delete from SageOne.

Locate (Contains) :