Locate (Contains) :

Undo GRV

When checking In the parts received from suppliers there might be mistakes that slip in like possibly entering the wrong Landed price for an item, or the wrong quantity, or you only received certain parts on the order but selected all when booking them in. For all these reasons Veculim has an  "undo GRV" feature.
Through the Purchasing tab by selecting the "View GRV's and FRC"s" you will be able to make use of the Undo GRV feature.
Irrespective of your reason you can go and undo this transaction (undo the check-in on an order)  and check-in the part/s again.
NOTE: Between the step of undoing the GRV and re-doing the Check-In, those parts will not be marked as received, and will thus be available to be received again. It is critical that they are not received incorrectly on another GRV prior to completion of the re-check-in on the correct GRV.

Once you clicked on the "View GRVs & RFCs the following screen will open

This is where you will now view the Lines captured and select the entry for which you would like to use the Undo GRV feature.
The following message will appear

Should you want to Redo the check-in select YES and it will take you back to the original PCR entry you made to check-In the order again after you made the necessary changes.

Once you have made the changes and are satisfied with the new information submitted. You click Accept to complete this transaction.
You have now Checked in the items again with the correct changes you wanted to make.

Locate (Contains) :