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Check In Orders

After capturing the Delivery Note and Invoice main information (the PCR Detail), the next step is to receive the goods that have been delivered. This can be done in the Capture GRVs&RFCs window.

Select the PCR Goods Received line details for which you would like to check in the items.
Please Note: All PCR line details awaiting a check-in will be indicated by the arrow with cross through.
Click on the Check-in orders button and the Check-In an Order window will be displayed.

Using the Tag/Untag and Tag All buttons, tag ALL the items that have been received that were ordered, whether they are the correct parts or not. If there are additional parts received that were not ordered, then use the Add Line button to insert those items. 
Click the *Select *button and the items will be copied to the GRV Detail section.
Specify the quantity received and supplier price of each item. If you received multiple ordered items in a single line item (kit), then mark those individually as multiple items. If there is a price difference in the kit to the originally ordered item, then adjust one of the line items to reflect that price difference. 
If there is a difference in the rounding of the VAT to the actual VAT value, Veculim will give you the option to alter the rounding using the down/up arrows for rounding the VAT down/up. Some suppliers round the VAT value, while others take the cents value and discard any decimal cent values. You cannot accept the Order until the value received matches the calculated sum  of the items (and their VAT values). 
Lastly, click on the Accept button to complete the check-in process.
Please Note: If there are incorrect parts that were delivered, add an RFC to return those parts to the supplier and open up the job detail line item for re-order.  Go to Receive a Cancelled/Unordered Item for more info.

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