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Miscellaneous Invoice

The Miscellaneous Invoice is there to account for money that will be received but otherwise not put through the system by making use of the quotes and Jobcards.
These could be service items, stock items or any odds and ends not otherwise accounted for.

Details at the top of the window can be added depending on the information at hand or required.
(On Pro) the Service Items and/or Stock Items can be issued out from this invoice. The _Insert_button is there on Plus and Pro.
To Insert one of the Three just click on the button to add a specific line item.
If you want to use Service Items (you need to set these up beforehand)
If you want to use Stock Items - This will take you back to your OwnStock listing (PRO)
Enter all details and information regarding the product or service (Qty, Unit value,GL Acc)
*If Discount is applicable you can enter discount either % or a fixed amount.
Once you are done editing, click on the OK button to save the Invoice.

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