The first step to start you off in Veculim will be to create a new quotation on the system after it has been done manually. It is a great way to keep track of all the Quotations you do in your business and also for return clientele.
From the Quote window simply click on the Create button which will then open the Update Quote window.
Start entering information for the Quote by following the Tabs on the left hand side of the window.
This window will always be the default, Vehicle Tab, enter this information first before moving on.
Next, select the customer tab and use the lookup button to complete the contact details, etc, or you can simply type the details in of the customer.
Specify whether the client would like to receive progress SMSes by selecting the appropriate radio button.
Select the Broker, Assessor or Insurance Company if required, using the lookup buttons. Please Note: If the appropriate selection is not available, please follow the instructions in the Broker, Assessor or Insurer section to add this.
If a default sundries percentage and amount has been pre-configured, for either of the selections in above step, it will now be populated. This can however be changed as required.
Enter Consumable% if applicable and/or Discount as either a % or an amount.
If required, add a claim/order number and/or a Policy Number.
Default Rates for your Panel shop as setup in the Quote and Defaults setup will be displayed for each Quotation.
Should you wish to change the rates for this specific Quote worked with, simply change the amounts on the Default rates Tab and it will filter through for the entire quote.
*Please Note: You are still able to change the rates when adding the Quote Detail lines as well.
Should an Insurance Company be used/added after the quote was started and the Markup, Labour rates and/or Sundries are different to what is setup for the Panel shop, Veculim will prompt the user to either update the Quote with the Insurance details or leave as is.
Next, capture any notes.
To add an Internal Note - Click on the Insert button. (These notes will not be printed on the Quote for the customer to see.)
To add a Print Note - Simply click inside the block and start typing. (These Notes will be Printed on the Quote)
To add images to a Quote, there are two options available:
- Drag and drop feature: Simply select the images from a folder, click to drag and drop in any of the blocks on the right hand side of the window.
- Make use of the Quick Add button: Simply click on the Quick add button to select images from a folder and then click on the Open button to add these images selected.
The last three tabs, namely Analysis, Status and Detail Lines depict details of the quote like totals, the progress of the quotation and Detailed lines added for this Quote.
Adding Details
For a simple step-by-step guide to adding quote detail lines, with tips and tricks to do this efficiently, watch the video below:
Once you are done adding all the Detail lines, click on the OK button at the bottom of the window. This will take you back to the Update Quote window again.
This will display what the Quote will look like and has all the information on.
Note: A warning might be displayed regarding the number of days required to complete the job. You can choose to either accept this and adjust the days or not.
Quote Templates
A Quote Template is really useful for doing repeat quotes/jobs that you do regularly. Mechanical workshops will find this ideal for different types of services. A Quote Template allows you to create the detail lines once, save it as a Template and you can use it whenever you need to.
First step is to click on the CREATE button on the Quotes window which would display the Update Quote window as follow
Then on the top right hand side corner, tick the box " This is a Quote Template"
The window will then change to look as follows
Enter the field "Quote Template Name: " and then proceed to add the Detail lines as you would any normal quotation.
These details lines will then be set on your Template that you save. It is possible to Edit the lines at a later stage as well.
Once all the desired lines for this Template has been added, click on the OK button to save the Template. This will take you back to the Quotes window.
Right click on the GREY template icon next to the dustbin which would display only the Templates. You can then choose which Template to use from there.
If you have created one or more Templates, whenever you click on the CREATE button on the Quotes window, it will display the following window.
Choose which Template you want to use, if any, and then click on the _SELECT_button. If you want to create a quote without using a quote template, just click close and no quote template will be used to create the quote.
This will then display the Template but to use as creating a normal Quotation. It will just have the already added detail lines which you can still add to if you desire.
Copy Quote Feature
The Copy quote feature was implemented for a few reasons but I think the most commonly known one would be the customers often do not bring in the vehicle for repair when the original quote is done but do return a month or longer later asking for the quote to be reinstated.
After the 30 day period the quote is no longer valid. To cater for the use of this quote with a renewed date but without having to redo the entire quote, the Copy Quote feature exists.
If you encounter a scenario as described above where a customer is returning for a quote previously created but never actioned, on the BrowseQuotes window, highlight the quote you want to copy and then click on the COPY button below.
This will display the following message to use the same customer or a different customer. Read it carefully.
If it is for the same customer click on the NO button.
This will then display the following window
If you click on the OK button, it will create the same quote but with the current date and it will be at the top of your list on the Quotes window.
NB: It is of great importance that you go back to the older Quote and CANCEL that quote as to not have duplicates on the system.
Create Quotes
Generating a quote
The first step to start you off in Veculim will be to create a new quotation on the system after it has been done manually. It is a great way to keep track of all the Quotations you do in your business and also for return clientele.
From the Quote window simply click on the Create button which will then open the Update Quote window.
Start entering information for the Quote by following the Tabs on the left hand side of the window.
button to complete the contact details, etc, or you can simply type the details in of the customer.

This window will always be the default, Vehicle Tab, enter this information first before moving on.
Next, select the customer tab and use the lookup
Specify whether the client would like to receive progress SMSes by selecting the appropriate radio button.

Select the Broker, Assessor or Insurance Company if required, using the lookup

Please Note: If the appropriate selection is not available, please follow the instructions in the Broker, Assessor or Insurer section to add this.
If a default sundries percentage and amount has been pre-configured, for either of the selections in above step, it will now be populated. This can however be changed as required.
Enter Consumable% if applicable and/or Discount as either a % or an amount.
If required, add a claim/order number and/or a Policy Number.
Default Rates for your Panel shop as setup in the Quote and Defaults setup will be displayed for each Quotation.
Should you wish to change the rates for this specific Quote worked with, simply change the amounts on the Default rates Tab and it will filter through for the entire quote.
*Please Note: You are still able to change the rates when adding the Quote Detail lines as well.
Should an Insurance Company be used/added after the quote was started and the Markup, Labour rates and/or Sundries are different to what is setup for the Panel shop, Veculim will prompt the user to either update the Quote with the Insurance details or leave as is.
Next, capture any notes.
To add an Internal Note - Click on the Insert button. (These notes will not be printed on the Quote for the customer to see.)
To add a Print Note - Simply click inside the block and start typing. (These Notes will be Printed on the Quote)
To add images to a Quote, there are two options available:

- Drag and drop feature: Simply select the images from a folder, click to drag and drop in any of the blocks on the right hand side of the window.
- Make use of the Quick Add button: Simply click on the Quick add button to select images from a folder and then click on the Open button to add these images selected.
The last three tabs, namely Analysis, Status and Detail Lines depict details of the quote like totals, the progress of the quotation and Detailed lines added for this Quote.
Adding Details
For a simple step-by-step guide to adding quote detail lines, with tips and tricks to do this efficiently, watch the video below:
Once you are done adding all the Detail lines, click on the OK button at the bottom of the window. This will take you back to the Update Quote window again.
This will display what the Quote will look like and has all the information on.
Note: A warning might be displayed regarding the number of days required to complete the job. You can choose to either accept this and adjust the days or not.
Quote Templates
A Quote Template is really useful for doing repeat quotes/jobs that you do regularly. Mechanical workshops will find this ideal for different types of services. A Quote Template allows you to create the detail lines once, save it as a Template and you can use it whenever you need to.
First step is to click on the CREATE button on the Quotes window which would display the Update Quote window as follow
Then on the top right hand side corner, tick the box " This is a Quote Template"
The window will then change to look as follows
Enter the field "Quote Template Name: " and then proceed to add the Detail lines as you would any normal quotation.
These details lines will then be set on your Template that you save. It is possible to Edit the lines at a later stage as well.
Once all the desired lines for this Template has been added, click on the OK button to save the Template. This will take you back to the Quotes window.
Right click on the GREY template icon next to the dustbin which would display only the Templates. You can then choose which Template to use from there.
If you have created one or more Templates, whenever you click on the CREATE button on the Quotes window, it will display the following window.
Choose which Template you want to use, if any, and then click on the _SELECT_button. If you want to create a quote without using a quote template, just click close and no quote template will be used to create the quote.
This will then display the Template but to use as creating a normal Quotation. It will just have the already added detail lines which you can still add to if you desire.
Copy Quote Feature
The Copy quote feature was implemented for a few reasons but I think the most commonly known one would be the customers often do not bring in the vehicle for repair when the original quote is done but do return a month or longer later asking for the quote to be reinstated.
After the 30 day period the quote is no longer valid. To cater for the use of this quote with a renewed date but without having to redo the entire quote, the Copy Quote feature exists.
If you encounter a scenario as described above where a customer is returning for a quote previously created but never actioned, on the BrowseQuotes window, highlight the quote you want to copy and then click on the COPY button below.
This will display the following message to use the same customer or a different customer. Read it carefully.
If it is for the same customer click on the NO button.
This will then display the following window
If you click on the OK button, it will create the same quote but with the current date and it will be at the top of your list on the Quotes window.
NB: It is of great importance that you go back to the older Quote and CANCEL that quote as to not have duplicates on the system.