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Job Station Clockings

Jobs can be clocked in by making use of the job Stations that were already created. The division the Job Station falls under like Panel beating, S/A and Painting will appear on the Clockings. The Job Station Clockings window will display all the clockings made for the selected date range in detail. It displays the Job number, the Station the clocking was made in, Time, which user created the Clocking and more.
The information can be viewed by navigating to the Oversight Tab and selecting Job Station Clockings.

Create a Job Station Clocking

To create a Job Station Clocking simply click on the Insert button on the above displayed window and the Update Job Station Clocking window will open.

On this window enter or select the Job for which you wish to create the clocking.
Select the Job Station created
The Date and Time will automatically be displayed as the current date and time.
Choose the division for the clocking.
Once you are satisfied that the entered information is correct, simply click OK to save the record.

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