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SageOne to Pastel

Changing Accounting packages can be tricky. That is why we have set it out in this page to guide you to switching over between Accounting systems from Veculim.
When switching over, the Pastel system will be blank with no records.Your records from Veculim such as the Debtors, Creditors and GL Accounts that were used in SageOne can now be exported to Pastel when you switch over.
The first step is to make sure your Pastel account has been setup correctly and that you have your login details at hand.
Then Navigate to the Setup Tab and click on the Financial Defaults icon and then click on Accounting Exports.
In the Accounting Package field, you now need to change the SageOne to Pastel and choose the right Pastel version.

Also enter the Default Tax code as it is on your Pastel system.


Note: Before exporting all the Debtors, Creditors and GL Accounts from Veculim to Pastel, I would suggest making sure the records have been cleaned up. This means to make sure only the records you want to export to your accounting system is active.
If you are sure the records are correct you can go ahead and navigate to the Exports Tab and click on Accounting Exports.

In this window you will see all the options mentioned above that can be Exported.
Let's start with the exporting of the Debtors and Creditors and how to Import them into Pastel.

Debtors and Creditors

To Export the Debtors from the screen above simply click on the Export Debtor block at the top. This will create a DebtorsExport.txt file in your Export folder and is also shown in the block on the right hand side.
Do the same for the Creditors and the screen will now look as follows, where they will both be disabled as Veculim is showing you that you already did the Export for these records.

With Debtors and Creditors exported you will be able to view them in the Export folder as shown below.
(The pathway will usually be: C: ProgramData: Veculim: SharedData: Live: Export)

You will see the two exported records highlighted.
Moving on to the Importing part you will need to open your Pastel.
Navigate to the Fill Tab and in the Menu select Export/Import function
This will open a different screen for you.

On the left hand side  choose a function to perform in which case you will choose:
Import Customer Accounts for Debtors
Import Supplier accounts for Supplier/Creditors
On the right hand side you will go and select the exported txt file from Veculim.
Once you have done that then it is very important to go and untick the checkbox - Map Fields before clicking on the Process button.

Linking General Ledger Accounts

Make sure the GL accounts that are on the list are correct and linked via Veculim.  
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