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Pastel to SageOne

Changing Accounting packages can be tricky. That is why we have set it out in this page to guide you to switching over between Accounting systems from Veculim.
When switching over, the SageOne system will be blank with no records.Your records from Veculim such as the Debtors, Creditors and General Ledger Accounts that were used in Pastel can now be exported to SageOne when you switch over.
The first step is to make sure your SageOne account has been setup correctly and that you have your login details at hand.
Then Navigate to the Setup Tab and click on the Financial Defaults icon and then click on Accounting Exports.

In the Accounting Package field, you now need to change that to SageOne.

After switching you need to enter your Sage Login Details and click on the Get Company ID button.


Note: Before exporting all the Debtors, Creditors and GL Accounts from Veculim to SageOne, I would suggest making sure the records have been cleaned up. This means to make sure only the records you want to export to your accounting system is active.
If you are sure the records are correct you can go ahead and navigate to the Exports Tab and click on Accounting Exports.

On the left hand side, choose the 'Just never exported' option. This will export all the records you wish to take over to SageOne.
Then on the right hand side select your options and export to SageOne.
For Setup purposes only take the Debtors and Debtor Categories, Creditors and GL Accounts to SageOne. All the other entries (records) like Invoices etc would have been closed off on the previous accounting package.
This means the transactions for the new month will start to be exported to the new accounting system.

Linking the General Ledger Accounts

After exporting is done. Make sure the correct GL accounts are linked in Veculim.
The Accounts should all have SageID after export. Make sure those accounts used are linked.

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