This document illustrates how to implement a new Veculim installation, where Veculim is not installed on any other computers in the panel shop.
If you have already installed Veculim on another computer, then following the steps outlined in the Workstation Setup
Download the latest Veculim release from
Installing Veculim on your Server/Main Computer
Once you downloaded and started to run the install, an install wizard will appear with the welcome message.
Cick Next to proceed and display the License agreement window. Please indicate your acceptance by selecting the appropriate radio button and click Next.
The default installation path will be displayed and can be changed if you choose to do so. Once the installation path has been specified, please click Next.
A summary will be displayed for you to review and once satisfied, you can click Next button to begin the installation.
Once the installation has completed, select whether to create a Desktop Shortcut and whether you would like to run the application immediately. Then click Finish.
Installing a second Veculim on your Server/Main PC
1. On the server, rename the existing ProgramData/Veculim folder to the current database name eg. C\ProgramData\VeculimMechanical.
2. Next, install the second Veculim on the server, using ' /V FORCEREINSTALL 1' & register the new(second) database.
3. Copy and paste the renamed ProgramData/Veculim folder, into ProgramData/Veculim & Manually set permissions on the folder for Everyone on the network, with Read/Write rights.
4. Add a second shortcut to Veculimf.exe on the server and the workstations and make sure the target paths are as follow:
Shortcut # 2 = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Veculim\Veculimf.exe" Datapath=C:\ProgramData\Veculim\VeculimMechanical\Shareddata DataSet=Live (NB! VeculimMechanical will be replaced with the name on the client's server)
5. Log into Shortcut # 2 with command '/Support' and under Quote/Job Defaults/Program Behaviour, set 'Disable Auto Updates Here'.
6. Log into both shortcuts and make sure you are seeing the correct data as per the database. Also make sure you can see both Dataset paths under Setup/DataPathsSets.
Repairing an install
If there was a problem installing Veculim, then re-install running the install (VeculimInitialInstall.exe) using the command line parameter: ' /V FORCEREINSTALL 1'
Hint: The easiest is to create a shortcut and then edit the shortcut adding the parameter to the end of the target.
Installing Veculim
This document illustrates how to implement a new Veculim installation, where Veculim is not installed on any other computers in the panel shop.
If you have already installed Veculim on another computer, then following the steps outlined in the Workstation Setup
Download the latest Veculim release from
Installing Veculim on your Server/Main Computer
Once you downloaded and started to run the install, an install wizard will appear with the welcome message.Cick Next to proceed and display the License agreement window. Please indicate your acceptance by selecting the appropriate radio button and click Next.
The default installation path will be displayed and can be changed if you choose to do so. Once the installation path has been specified, please click Next.
A summary will be displayed for you to review and once satisfied, you can click Next button to begin the installation.
Once the installation has completed, select whether to create a Desktop Shortcut and whether you would like to run the application immediately. Then click Finish.
Next Recommended Step: Registering Veculim
Installing a second Veculim on your Server/Main PC
1. On the server, rename the existing ProgramData/Veculim folder to the current database name eg. C\ProgramData\VeculimMechanical.
2. Next, install the second Veculim on the server, using ' /V FORCEREINSTALL 1' & register the new(second) database.
3. Copy and paste the renamed ProgramData/Veculim folder, into ProgramData/Veculim & Manually set permissions on the folder for Everyone on the network, with Read/Write rights.
4. Add a second shortcut to Veculimf.exe on the server and the workstations and make sure the target paths are as follow:
Shortcut # 1 = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Veculim\Veculimf.exe"
Shortcut # 2 = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Veculim\Veculimf.exe" Datapath=C:\ProgramData\Veculim\VeculimMechanical\Shareddata DataSet=Live (NB! VeculimMechanical will be replaced with the name on the client's server)
5. Log into Shortcut # 2 with command '/Support' and under Quote/Job Defaults/Program Behaviour, set 'Disable Auto Updates Here'.
6. Log into both shortcuts and make sure you are seeing the correct data as per the database. Also make sure you can see both Dataset paths under Setup/DataPathsSets.
Repairing an install
If there was a problem installing Veculim, then re-install running the install (VeculimInitialInstall.exe) using the command line parameter: ' /V FORCEREINSTALL 1'
Hint: The easiest is to create a shortcut and then edit the shortcut adding the parameter to the end of the target.