Veculim screens are navigated by using the Tab button or by using the mouse to directly select a button, field entry box, list, etc. Using the Enter key will result in the current highlighted button being activated rather than, as some systems do, completing data entry in the current field.
Pausing the mouse pointer over an icon will in most cases result in a pop-up "Tip" message providing more details on what the specific button or control will do.
Another common use of colour is for required fields and system completed fields. The Pink fields indicate Required fields, and the Blue ones indicate that the system will fill it in automatically.
2. Viewing Data
File details (records) are displayed (listed) in "browse forms" which, depending on the data concerned, will (can) be "filtered" to display only selected records (such as by date, by job, by supplier, etc.) Selection of the filter conditions can be achieved by the following means:
Using "Show" check boxes
Veculim makes use of different icons to indicate a variety of record status, conditions and to highlight potential problem areas. The most commonly used icons are the three different coloured “LEDs”, Red, Amber and Green which usually indicate a problem, a caution and a valid status. You can also see on the Quotes window for example the “Lock” icon which indicates all the Finalized Quotes, “Green tick mark” indicates all the Approved/assessed Quotes and the “Blue Car” indicates that Jobs have been created for these Quotes.
Using selection fields
Veculim allows you to make use of the filters to view only selected information or records based on the filter, for example entering a specific Supplier would display all records linked to that supplier only.
Choosing a Job Number would display only records linked to that specific Job.
Using a data range
Making use of the Date range filter allows you to select to display only the entries within the range you choose.
Browse windows have “VCR” type buttons to enhance record access by scrolling through the records based on the VCR button used – this can be moved directly to the last/first record, move up/down a page at a time or move up/down one record at a time. The buttons are shown below.
3. Arranging Browses
Veculim makes use of lists to display data (information) to you, called browses. In Veculim, individual users can customize their browse screens as follows:
Columns can be resized. Move the mouse pointer to the column border and when the"double arrow" resize appears hold down the left mouse button and drag the column either to the left or the right.
Columns can be hidden/displayed. The display sequence can be changed and individual columns can be locked in place. Simply place the mouse pointer on a column heading and right click. A menu with two options (Columns... and Hide Column) will appear. Selecting "Columns..." will pop-up the following screen where you can customize the columns to meet your needs.
WARNING: If you Hide columns and you forget which ones you have hidden you may find yourself looking for information which is no longer displayed on the browse screen.
4. Output Data
Several browse windows have a "Send To" button. Clicking on this button will allow the user to "send" the data displayed in the browse to be printed as a report, emailed or exported to a variety of file formats. An example of the Send To screen is shown below.
Veculim further permits users to customize their screen display by changing the standard font type, font style and font size (see "Select Font" option on the "Tools" Menu).
Users sometimes "drag" window displays and end up placing them outside of the program display and then can not get access to that part of the screen that is "outside" the program frame. This situation can be addressed by selecting the "Clear Position" option on the "Tools" Menu.
The following table provides some additional information on the system usage.
Quick Guide
Program Concepts
1. Entering Data (basic principles)
Veculim screens are navigated by using the Tab button or by using the mouse to directly select a button, field entry box, list, etc. Using the Enter key will result in the current highlighted button being activated rather than, as some systems do, completing data entry in the current field.
Pausing the mouse pointer over an icon will in most cases result in a pop-up "Tip" message providing more details on what the specific button or control will do.
Another common use of colour is for required fields and system completed fields. The Pink fields indicate Required fields, and the Blue ones indicate that the system will fill it in automatically.
2. Viewing Data
File details (records) are displayed (listed) in "browse forms" which, depending on the data concerned, will (can) be "filtered" to display only selected records (such as by date, by job, by supplier, etc.) Selection of the filter conditions can be achieved by the following means:
Veculim makes use of different icons to indicate a variety of record status, conditions and to highlight potential problem areas. The most commonly used icons are the three different coloured “LEDs”, Red, Amber and Green which usually indicate a problem, a caution and a valid status. You can also see on the Quotes window for example the “Lock” icon which indicates all the Finalized Quotes, “Green tick mark” indicates all the Approved/assessed Quotes and the “Blue Car” indicates that Jobs have been created for these Quotes.
Veculim allows you to make use of the filters to view only selected information or records based on the filter, for example entering a specific Supplier would display all records linked to that supplier only.
Choosing a Job Number would display only records linked to that specific Job.

Making use of the Date range filter allows you to select to display only the entries within the range you choose.Browse windows have “VCR” type buttons to enhance record access by scrolling through the records based on the VCR button used – this can be moved directly to the last/first record, move up/down a page at a time or move up/down one record at a time. The buttons are shown below.
3. Arranging Browses
Veculim makes use of lists to display data (information) to you, called browses. In Veculim, individual users can customize their browse screens as follows:
WARNING: If you Hide columns and you forget which ones you have hidden you may find yourself looking for information which is no longer displayed on the browse screen.
4. Output Data
Several browse windows have a "Send To" button. Clicking on this button will allow the user to "send" the data displayed in the browse to be printed as a report, emailed or exported to a variety of file formats. An example of the Send To screen is shown below.
Veculim further permits users to customize their screen display by changing the standard font type, font style and font size (see "Select Font" option on the "Tools" Menu).
Users sometimes "drag" window displays and end up placing them outside of the program display and then can not get access to that part of the screen that is "outside" the program frame. This situation can be addressed by selecting the "Clear Position" option on the "Tools" Menu.
The following table provides some additional information on the system usage.
If you do insurance work
Next Recommended Step: Insurers
Next Recommended Step: Create Quotes